BikeEd Hawaii Has New Fleet of Bikes Donated!
Thanks to the Engineers Advisory Council of the Hawai‘i Lodging & Tourism Association, HBL’s BikeEd Hawaii has a new fleet of 60 bikes and helmets. These bikes visit over 100 elementary schools and teach nearly 8000 fourth graders bike safety each year!
Plus, the old fleet was donated to partners Kalihi Valley Instructional Bicycle Exchange (KVIBE), the Boys & Girls Clubs of Hawaii, and other community partners. Donated bikes will also received new helmets.
In addition to a donation of $15,000 donation to HBL to purchase 60 new bikes and helmets, the Engineers Advisory Council organized a volunteer day on August 31st, 2024 to assemble the bikes!
Full photo gallery available here.
We hope to build upon this support and fundraise to replace a BikeEd box truck! Learn more & donate here!

HLTA President & CEO Mufi Hannemann commented, “At the Hawai’i Lodging & Tourism Association, we are immensely proud of how our visitor industry consistently steps up to give back to our local communities. Whether it’s through volunteering, donations, or acts of service, our members are always seeking ways to make a positive impact. The HLTA Engineers Advisory Council truly embodies this spirit, having provided meaningful volunteer opportunities to its members for years. Their latest initiative to again support the BikeEd program is yet another testament to their commitment to our keiki and the betterment of our community, ensuring that our future generations are safe, healthy, and well-supported by worthy causes like the Hawai’i Bicycling League.”
“Teaching our keiki bicycling skills and good bike habits is one of Hawaii Bicycling League’s most important and rewarding functions. We help kids have fun and be active outdoors while increasing their safety.” said Travis Counsell, HBL Executive Director. “BikeEd is made even better with the generous donations of equipment, elbow grease, and dollars from organizations like the Engineers Advisory Council. The next project will be fundraising to replace our aging BikeEd Trucks!”
“Whether it’s making someone smile, helping a co-worker or stranger out, responding to an issue, or giving some of what we have to those who need our help, every act of generosity counts.” said HLTA EAC Board Chairperson, Eric Au “Every member of our Engineering Advisory Council is fully engaged to make an impact throughout the hospitality industry and our local community. Philanthropy is at the core of our inner culture and we endeavor to instill a sense of giving back into everything we do. Our EAC Build-A-Bike event is one of our key highlights of the year, as we strive to make an uplifting impact with our keiki while at the same time supporting an essential educational BikeEd program.”

HBL’s BikeEd Hawaii program has been teaching bike safety to 4th graders since 1989. BikeEd is primarily funded through a City & County of Honolulu Department of Transportation grant. This 5-day course is available to elementary schools across Oahu. With increased costs such as higher wages, fuel, and maintenance, combined with a reduced grant budget, external support is necessary to keep BikeEd Hawaii operating at its potential. Mahalo to the Engineer’s Advisory Council for their support!
HBL is seeking to replace one of our older BikeEd Box Trucks, please consider making a donation to support BikeEd Hawaii and HBL at the link below. Mahalo!