2024 Honolulu Century Ride (HCR) Training Plan

Made possible by the Red Hot Ladies,

an HBL-affiliated cycling group.

“The following schedule will focus on the route for the Honolulu Century Ride (HCR)– it will coincide with the RHL Roving Riders starts at 7:30am on Sundays.  The details of each ride will be updated on Fridays.  For the Red Hot Ladies Roving Riders, the rides will continue to be between 20-30 miles and NOT ride the full listed route; the training group will add 5+ miles each week, building to 80 miles on 9/15. 

September 29 – Honolulu Century Ride (100 miles or ride your distance – 25, 50, 75 ?) Kapiolani Park start on Kalakaua Avenue by the bandstand, 6:30am

If you are planning to ride the full 100 miles, it is not enough to just do the Sunday rides – you will need to add Tempo Workouts* at Lagoon Drive (Thursday evenings).  Also, think in terms of hours on the bike, rather than miles covered.  OK to track your miles, but  “keep in mind, your body doesn’t care how many miles have gone under your wheels, but rather how many hours it’s been pedaling.”  CTS Coach, Pete Taylor

So, how many hours do you need to spend riding each week to have a FUN HCR?  At a minimum, you can survive on 3-5 hours/week, but you’ll be far better off if you can spend at least 10-12 hours/week – which you can build up to slowly over progressive weeks.  

Happy Training!  

Questions:  Patricia at patriciagj@aol.com or text, 808-988-4633″

2024 HCR Training Group Guidelines:

No-drop ride
» Arrive early, rollout on time
» “Listen up” for instructions so everyone is on the same page
» Organize into “groups” of similar pace/fitness levels (initially we’ll have one group until longer rides)
» Each group establishes a “leader” (someone who knows route) and a “sweep”
» Leader keeps group together with sweep
» Establish periodic “meet ups” (e.g. 5 mile/10 mile points)
» “Regrouping stops” to allow all riders to catch up.
» Mindfulness-always let group leader know where you and others are, especially if you leave the group.
» Flat tires/mechanicals-one person stays with downed rider, group can continue on to meet up.
» No rider is left behind.
» Know your fitness limits and don’t exceed them

Group riding skills & etiquette (paceline skills)
» Ride smoothly and predictably (paceline = slow moving train)
» Keep a steady pace
» Don’t swerve, surge or brake suddenly
» Find/ride your own pace
» Ride only as close to the wheel in front of you as you feel safe and comfortable
» Don’t overlap your wheel with the wheel in front of you
» Stay attentive and keep your hands near your brakes but brake sparingly
» When cornering, brake before the turn, ride smoothly through the arc
» When descending, let space open up between you and surrounding riders
» Hand signals-point out turns, slowing, approaching hazards, vehicles, etc.
» Verbal signals-car up, car back, car right, car left, stopping, slowing, hole, dog, gravel, clear (but always check for yourself)
» Act in the group’s best interest especially riders in front (stopping, going through intersections, etc.)
» Pass on the left
» Announce yourself when overtaking others (“on your left”)
» Consider wearing a mirror
» Stop at red lights (it’s the law)
» Be considerate of others (spitting, snot-rockets off the back please!)

» Get to know each other (communicate)
» Try to make all the training rides (12 weeks), gradually increase mileage
» Get your miles in during the week (plan to ride X times during the week)
‧     Interval training
‧     Hill repeats
» Ride conservatively-be able to ride faster on the second half of any ride

» Self-sufficiency-learn how to fix your own flats/mechanicals
» Bring your own supplies (tubes, CO2, pumps, tools, Band-Aids, snacks, gels, drinks)
» Bring extra cash/credit card
» Learn to draft to conserve energy
» Calorie management: eat early and often
» Hydration: take fluids throughout

2024 Honolulu Century Ride (HCR) Training Schedule:

Circle up: 7:15am

Ride out: 7:30am

All 2024 HCR training rides (listed below) roll out promptly at 7:30am.


START Location:

Geiger Park in Ewa Beach (91-1129 Kahiuka Street)

30 Miles

ROUTE: Ewa Beach to Kapolei; Ko’Olina; thru the fence into Campbell Industrial Park; Barbers Point; Nimitz Beach; White Plains Beach; + Kapolei Parkway Loops (Maybe new Leeward Bike Path Section from the Historic RR Station to Fort Weaver Road)

Terrain / Notes:



START Location:

Kailua District Park (21 S. Kainalu Drive), behind the Fire & Police Stations*

35 Miles

ROUTE: Kailua District Park (21 S. Kainalu Drive), behind the Fire & Police Stations; by the tennis & BB courts; same side as Kailua Intermediate School

Terrain / Notes:

Extra: Keolu Drive loops

*By the tennis & BB courts; same side as Kailua Intermediate School


START Location:

Makaha Beach Park, , 84-369 Farrington Highway, Waianae*

40 Miles

ROUTE: Yokohama Bay Loop (12), Makaha Valley (6); additional loops (1.8+) out to Yokohama Bay

Terrain / Notes:

Flat to Yokohama Bay – hill into Makaha Valley (all doable)

*Park across the highway near the bathrooms


START Location:

Kahala Community Park, – corner of Moa & Pahoa Streets*

45 Miles

ROUTE: Kahala Community Park to Kailua District Park with a Bellows loop – backroads of Waimanalo  

Terrain / Notes:

Some hills – Makapu’u both directions; Hawaii Kai. Loop #1 – Kahala to Makapu’u = 23 miles; Loop #2 – 45 miles

*Meet: Behind Kahala Elementary School by drinking fountain and picnic table


START Location:

Kaiaka State Recreation Area in Haleiwa*

50 Miles

ROUTE: North Shore: Kaiaka State Recreation Area; Pineapple Hill; Kaena Point; Haleiwa Road to Kamehameha Highway; Sunset Beach and back  

Terrain / Notes:

Loop #1 – Kaiaka & Kaena Point, no Pineapple Hill – 18 miles; Loop #2 – Kaiaka, Pineapple Hill + Kaena, no Sunset Beach – 28 miles; Loop #3 – full route is 50. Pineapple Hill is a 5.5 mile climb, other than that, mostly FLAT

*Meet back by the bathrooms (entrance is just past Haleiwa Elementary School)


START Location:

Kapiolani Park, 3840 Paki Avenue parking lot

55 Miles

ROUTE: Kapiolani Park to Kailua with a Bellows Loop  55 miles

Terrain / Notes:

Hills: Diamond Head, Ahukini Street, Makapu’u; Waimanalo grade to Keolu Drive; Keolu Drive hill on the return, Loop #1: KP to Hawaii Kai = 18 miles: Loop #2: KP to Makapu’u = 29 miles; Loop #3: KP to Waimanalo + Bellows = 45 miles; Loop #4 = 55 miles


START Location:

Kahala Community Park, 4495 Pahoa Avenue*

60 Miles

ROUTE: Kahala Community Park to Hee’ia Boat Harbor; include a loop into Bellows  60 miles

Terrain / Notes:

FLAT to Hawaii Kai, then hill to Makapu’u, both directions; hill out of Waimanalo + hill near Hee’ia. Loop#1 to Makapu’u = 23 miles; Loop#2 to intersection backroads/Kalanianaole = 35; Loop#3 KDP = 45; Full ride = 60

*Meet at: Corner of Moa & Pahoa Streets, behind Kahala Elementary School by drinking fountain and picnic table


START Location:

Kailua District Park, 21 S. Kainalu Drive, Kailua

65 Miles

ROUTE: Kailua District Park to Hee’ia Boat Harbor, Swanzy & beyond to Laie Point and Fumi’s Shrimp Shack and back  65 miles

Terrain / Notes:

Mostly flat, but some hills on Lilipuna in Kaneohe & the grade going into Hee’ia. Loop #1 KDP to ? (Short riders will decide – 20-25 miles); Loop #2 – 65 miles


START Location:

Kualoa District Park, – 49-479 Kamehameha Highway, Kane’ohe, HI 96744*

70 Miles

ROUTE: Kualoa to Haleiwa, Turtle Bay on the way; Kaiaka Regional Park; Weed Circle; Leong Highway; Hauula Homestead Road and back to Kualoa  70 miles

Terrain / Notes:

FLAT – wind on the return. Loop#1 to Hauula = 20 miles; Loop#1 to Laie Point or Malaekahana = ~30 miles; Loop#3 to Turtle Bay = 40 miles; Loop#5 the whole distance = 70 miles

*Park in the nearest lot to the entrance – will need to ride your bike to the bathrooms, down another parking area


START Location:

Kapiolani Park, 3840 Paki Avenue parking lot

75 Miles

ROUTE: Kapiolani Park to Kailua and Kaneohe’s Lilipuna Loop & Ho’omaluhia Gardens – Bellows Loop on the way out   75 miles

Terrain / Notes:

Flat & hilly – the regular hills at Hawaii Kai Drive, Makapu’u, Lilipuna, & Ho’omaluhia. Loop#1 – Maunalua Bay=20 miles; Loop#2 Makapu’u=30 miles; Loop#3 KDP=53 miles; Loop#4=75miles


START Location:

Kokohead Neighborhood Park* – 435 Poipu Drive

80 Miles

ROUTE: Kokohead Neighborhood Park to Hauula Beach Park and back  80 miles

Terrain / Notes:

Mostly FLAT & with the regular hills (might do Hawaii Kai Drive instead of Ahukini Street?) Full ride = 80 miles; Loop #1 to Makapu’u = 13 miles; Loop #2 to 7-11 = 17 miles; Loop #3 to Backroads of Waimanalo = 30 miles; Loop #4 – Kailua District Park = 40 miles

*(just up the hill off of Lunalilo Home Road; park by the bathrooms


Rest / Spin

Taper week, ride easy!

Terrain / Notes:



START Location:

Kapiolani Park

100 miles


“The Red Hot Ladies (RHL) was formed by Patricia Johnson & Pattie Dunn with the expressed goal of encouraging women 50+ to get back into bicycling; and start enjoying the freedom of being on two wheels. Over the last two decades our community of riders has expanded to include younger women as well as men. As Red Hot Ladies we strive to be humble, kind, courteous and inclusive not only as bicycle ambassadors but in our daily lives.”

Get on the Red Hot Ladies emailing list at RedHotLadies@HBL.org to get all the updates for the weekly rides!