
Bicyclists are passionate people. Here’s how you can activate that passion.


From bike path cleanups to office work, HBL has many volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Please click the button below to sign up for announcements about upcoming volunteer opportunities.

Large Event Volunteer Opportunities

Our annual Haleʻiwa Metric Century and Honolulu Century Rides wouldn’t succeed without the support of hundreds of volunteers! Visit our HMC and HCR volunteering page for more info on how you can help these large events.


4/5 (Saturday) Zach’s Ride for Safe Streets 2025

Join us on Saturday, April 5th for the 2025 Zach’s Ride for Safe Streets. Volunteer roles include event set up and tear down, food pickup / delivery, and ride leaders. 

4/19 (Saturday) Pearl Harbor Bike Path Cleanup

Celebrate Earth Day 2025 with HBL by helping us clean rubbish off the Pearl Harbor Bike Path. HBL is one of 15 organizations cleaning different sections of the PHBP in coordination with the City and County of Honolulu. Our team will be based at Neal Blaisdell Park in Aiea, with parking and restrooms available on-site. Hours are 8:00am-10:30am.

4/24 (Thurs) – 4/27 (Sunday) 2025 Haleʻiwa Metric Century Ride

The 2025 Haleʻiwa Metric Century is coming up in April! From Thursday, April 24th to Sunday, April 27, the HMC has four days of volunteer opportunities.

You can sign up for volunteer shifts here. To learn more about the various volunteer roles, please click here. If you’re interested in volunteering as a group, please email vincent@hbl.org to learn more!


2/1 (Sat) Keiki Helmet Giveaway @ Kam’s Helmet Night

Help get brand new helmets out to keiki! The 2025 Kam’s Helmet Night is coming up on Saturday, February 1st. HBL will be partnering with the Hawai‘i Pacific University Men’s basketball team to give away more than 100 helmets to youth at HPU’s basketball game. This helmet giveaway is in honor of Kameron Steinhoff, a former HPU teammate who tragically passed away after suffering head injuries from a skateboard crash in 2011.

1/25 (Sat) Bike Valet at 2025 Chinatown Festival and parade

HBL is  looking for volunteers to help bike valet with us at the 2025 Chinatown Festival and Parade on Saturday, January 25th! Help us make this awesome annual event accessible to cyclists. Three shift span early afternoon to evening, allowing plenty of time to partake in the festivities before or after your shift. Volunteers receive a free meal!

1/9-1/12 Bike Valet with HBL at 2025 Sony Open

HBL is  looking for volunteers to help bike valet with us at the 2025 Sony Open in Hawai‘i, happening Jan. 9 (Thu) through Jan. 12 (Sun) in the Kahala area. Not only does this volunteer opportunity come with good karma for helping their event be more sustainable, but every person that volunteers at bike valet gets a ticket to the Sony Open, where you’ll be able to watch 144 of the world’s greatest golfers putt it out at the Wai‘alae Country Club!

10/19 Pearl Harbor Bike Patch Cleanup

Join HBL, the City’s Department of Facilities’ Storm Water Quality Division, & other community organizations in giving back to the ‘āina with a Clean-up of the Pearl Harbor Bike Path on Saturday, October 19th from 8:30-10:00am! HBL will be responsible for cleaning the bike path section at Neal Blaisdell Park, meaning parking and restrooms will be available on-site. We’ll have cleaning supplies and light refreshments, so all you’ll have to do is bring yourself, a reusable water bottle, and some friends!

9/26 – 9/29 (Thurs-Sun) 2024 Honolulu Century Ride 

The annual Honolulu Century Ride is coming up on Sunday, September 29th. The largest bike event in the State of Hawaiʻi has four days of volunteer opportunities that help thousands of local and visiting riders cross the finish line! Whether you want to assist at Packet Pickup, move supplies, or offer support on event day, we’ll have a volunteer opportunity for you at the 2024 HCR! Shifts run from Thursday the 26th to Sunday the 29th.

7/17 2024 Waimānalo Backroads Cleanup

Mālama ‘Āina! Join HBL in giving some TLC to the backroads of Waimānalo. On Saturday, August 17 we’ll be picking up trash big & small! along Waimānalo’s roadways from 8:30am to 1pm. Supplies, safety vests, volunteers shirts, and lunch will all be provided!

July 2024 Bike Month volunteer opportunities!

HBL will be celebrating Bike Month 2024 in July with a series of weekly cycling events! Volunteers are needed at:

7/2: Bike Valet at Bike To SALT 
7/7: Event Support at Cycle Swap Meet 
7/10: Ward Ave Bike Lane Cleanup
7/14: Bike To The Train Support
7/28: Bike Helmet Giveaway
7/31: Pau Hana Support


5/16 Bike valet at ‘Paved Paradise’ Lecture at UH Mānoa

On Thursday, May 16th, HBL will be hosting a bike valet parking station at UH Mānoa for the “Paved Paradise: How Parking Explains the World” lecture by Henry Grabar. This lecture will be at the Architecture Auditorium (ARCH205) on 1899 University Avenue #1859 Honolulu, HI 96822. Our bike valet station will be located outside of the building on the campus lawn. The volunteer arrival/departure times for this event are 6:00pm – 8:30pm.

4/25 – 4/28 (Thurs-Sun) Haleʻiwa metric century

Four full days of volunteering help the Haleʻiwa Metric Century succeed. Whether you want to prepare rider packets, move supplies, or offer support on ride day, we’ll have a volunteer opportunity for you at the 2024 HMC. 

4/20 2024 Pearl Harbor Bike Path Cleanup

Join HBL and other community organizations for a major cleanup on Pearl Harbor Historic Trail (aka the Pearl Harbor Bike Path) in celebration of Earth Day 2024! The cleanup is Saturday, April 20th from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at Blaisdell Park. 


On Saturday March 2, HBL will be hosting its Annual Benefit Dinner at the Queen Kapiʻolani Hotel in Waikīkī. HBL will be operating a bike valet at the hotel to accommodate event attendees, and we need your help! Volunteers receive a free meal. Shift is from 5:30pm-10pm. 


2/21 (Weds) Pensacola Street PBL Cleanup

You’re invited to help beautify our bikeways! HBL is hosting a cleanup of the bike lane on Pensacola Street. This Protected Bike Lane (PBL) is important to biking in the urban core and counts show on average it sees over 200 riders using it daily. Wednesday, Feb 21st, 5:00 – 7:30PM.

2/3 (Sat) Bike Valet @ Night in Chinatown Festival

HBL will be proving a free bike valet service to those biking to the Night in Chinatown Festival. Volunteers receive a free meal and can enjoy the event before or after their shift!

1/20 (Sat) Keiki Helmet Giveaway @Kam’s Helmet Night

Help get brand new helmets out to keiki on Saturday, January 20th, where HBL will be partnering with the Hawai‘i Pacific University Men’s basketball team to give away more than 100 helmets to youth at HPU’s basketball game. This helmet giveaway is in honour of Kameron Steinhoff, a former HPU teammate who tragically passed away after suffering head injuries from a skateboard crash in 2011.

Bike Valet with HBL at the 2024 Sony Open

What do flat tubes & golf have in common? . . . They both get hole-in-ones! XD

Bad jokes aside, we are looking for volunteers to help bike valet with us at the 2024 Sony Open in Hawai‘i, happening Jan. 11 (Thu) through Jan. 14 (Sun) in the Kahala area. Not only does this volunteer opportunity come with good karma for helping their event be more sustainable, but every person that volunteers at bike valet gets a ticket to the Sony Open, where you’ll be able to watch 144 of the world’s greatest golfers putt it out at the Wai‘alae Country Club!


Join HBL, Patagonia, & City’s Dept. Of Facility Maintenance to help the bicycle community have a smoother commute on Ward by cleaning debris off the Ward bike lane! We’ll be meeting at Patagonia (535 Ward Ave., Honolulu) and cleaning the bike lane from 5pm-7:30pm! Click here to sign up for the 10/18 Ward Ave. cleanup!

Live the [bike] life greener, make PHBP cleaner!

Join HBL, City’s Department of Facilities’ Storm Water Quality Division & other community organizations in giving back to the ‘āina with a Clean-up of the Pearl Harbor Bike Path (Saturday, October 28th)! HBL will be responsible for cleaning the bike path section that goes along behind Waipahu High School. We’ll have cleaning supplies and light refreshments, so all you’ll have to do is bring yourself, a reusable water bottle, and some friends!

Help clean the bike path

Help keep the bike path and areas around Kapapapuhi Park free of debris and non-native plants. Every Wednesday 9am-11am and second Saturdays 8am-noon! 

Volunteers needed for HBL’s Annual Benefit Dinner!

HBL will be hosting our Annual Benefit Dinner after three years, but we need your help with the event! We’re looking for detailed volunteers to help with tasks such as: general setup/ cleanup, silent auction, & more.

Deliver Meals on [bike] wheels on friday, march 31st!

HBL & Hawaii Meals on Wheels (HMoW) are partnering up on March 31st (FRIDAY), to deliver warms meals to O‘ahu’s kūpuna community… on BIKES! We’ll meet outside of Straub Hospital (King Street side) at 10:30AM, where volunteers will be split up into groups of 2-3 (1 rider to hold the meals & 1 rider to navigate). Once volunteers receive route orientation outside the hospital, they’ll go into the kitchen to pick up the hot meals and cold items. We will go over the route, delivery instructions and delivery tips. Masks are required to enter the hospital and caps (helmets count!) to cover your head when we enter the kitchen. HMoW will provide delivery supplies and route directions. Click here to sign-up as a group or individually to be matched with another volunteer.

Volunteers needed for the 30TH ANNUAL Hale‘iwa Metric Century Ride!

The Hale‘iwa Metric Century fundraising ride is back to celebrate its 30th Anniversary on Sunday, April 30th! We have about 200 positions that need to be filled, including: packet pick-up, day-of registration, and more! Click here to be taken to the HMC page and scroll down to ‘Volunteer to Help’ tab to see volunteer position descriptions and to sign up!

Volunteers needed for the 11th Annual Waimānalo Backroads cleanup

Mālama ‘Āina! Join HBL in giving some TLC to the backroads of Waimānalo. We’ll be picking up trash (big & small!) along the roads. HBL & Storm Water Quality Divison will provide supplies, safety vests, volunteers shirts, and lunch!

Volunteers needed for the 40TH ANNUAL HONOLULU CENTURY RIDE!

The Honolulu Century Ride is HBL’s largest fundraising event. It’s been 3 years since we are able to host this event, so we hope to make this the biggest comeback ever. In order to do that, we need your help! Click here to be taken to the HCR page and scroll down to ‘Volunteer to Help’ tab to see volunteer position descriptions and to sign up!