Bring Douglas home!
HBL member and supporter, Douglas Concha, has been busy riding his single-speed bicycle around the world. How far exactly? Since we saw him off from Magic Island it has been 274 days (nine months), and Douglas has completed 18,001 miles, with over 377,200 feet of elevation gained. This Friday, you have the chance to help bring Douglas home on his final leg of this almost unbelievable, fully incredible, global feat!
Check out Douglas’ route (with cycling data!) around the world here.

📅 March 1st, 2024 (FRIDAY)
Meet at:
📍Honolulu International Airport, Magic Island, OR Thomas Square Park (see more details on meet-up options below)
✅ Yourself + good vibes, cheers, and aloha. Cowbells are welcome.
Choose from 3 Meet-up Locations:
➪ Bike from HNL Airport
~16 miles.
Arrive by 3:00PM. Meet at Terminal 2 baggage claim of the Daniel K. Inouye International Airport – look for the helmeted people with the bicycles 😉!
Urban riding route with mix of biking in traffic on highways, bike lanes, shoulders, etc. Preview of route from the airport to Magic Island can be found here (please note this may not be the exact route we ride on Friday).
➪ Bike from Thomas Square Park
~2.4 miles.
Arrive by 4:00PM. Meet here at Thomas Square Park by the King Kamehameha III statue (on the S. King St. protected bike lane side of the park).
Using Ward Avenue’s protected bike lane to Ala Moana Beach Park and finishing at Magic Island (using multi-use paths in park).
Meet at Magic Island
No riding.
Arrive by 4:45PM. Meet us at Magic Island (here), look for the blue & white HBL-branded pop-up tent.
Arrive however you’d like (come by foot, bike, bus, Biki, surfboard, car, or whatevah!) at Magic Island to celebrate Douglas’ arrival at the park as he rides in with the group.
We’ll be welcoming Douglas with great cheer and having Pau Hana time vibes (alcohol not permitted at Magic Island)– stay to talk story, hear more from Douglas about his jaw-dropping, leg-burning, absolutely astonishing solo ride around the globe, and watch the 7:45pm fireworks show (or dip out whenever you’d like)!
If you have any questions about the ride/route, please contact Malia at or call the HBL office during open hours at (808) 735-5756. Media inquiries? Please call HBL or email