Support building bike lanes on S King, Punchbowl and Richards
Read or Edit the PetitionI support building the new bike lanes on S King St., Punchbowl St. and Richards St. because:
- I think it’s important to increase the number of protected bike lanes on Oahu to give people more affordable, healthy and safe transportation options.
- The more people who choose to bike, the less traffic we will experience on the roads.
- Increasing the number of bike lanes in downtown will decrease noise and traffic pollution where it is most prevalent.
- Increasing bike lanes in cities makes it more likely people will shop within their neighborhoods, which keeps money in the local economy and strengthens community ties.
- The highest density of traffic injuries and fatalities occur in the higher density areas, so increasing bike lanes in downtown is very important.
Thank you for the opportunity to share my opinion.
More Information
S King Street: Extension of the existing two-way protected bike lane along the mauka side of the road, between Alapai Street and Alakea Street.
Punchbowl Street: Bicycle facilities between Vineyard Boulevard and Ala Moana Boulevard include:
Sharrows (mauka-bound) between South King Street and Vineyard Boulevard.
One-way protected bike lane (makai-bound) between Pohukaina Street and South King Street.
Sharrows (makai-bound) from Vineyard Boulevard to South King Street and from Pohukaina Street to Ala Moana Boulevard.
Richards Street: One-way bike lane (makai-bound) from Halekauwila Street to South Hotel Street.
Sharrows (makai-bound) from South Hotel Street to South Beretania Street.