Zach's Ride for Safe Streets

*Registered Riders will get a detailed map and additional information about ride route. REGISTER today so you are on the email list and be prepared to ride.

Date:              Saturday, April 5, 2025    

Time:              Participants will gather starting at 9:45AM. At 10AM we’ll have a short speech and then riders will roll out.

Start/End:     Old Stadium Park located on S. King St. + Isenberg St. (Parking lot available from Waiola St + Makahiki Way) 

Riders:            All ages, all experience levels and all bicycles that can be pedaled & operated safely are welcome.

Format:          “Group Ride” We all ride together on HBL’s 2025 event route (open road and protected lanes). We will be stopping at ʻIolani Palace for a group picture and then going to Frank F. Fasi Municipal Building for sign waving and speeches (around 11AM -12:30PM) before we ride back to Kaka‘ako.

Course:           Flat, 3.2 miles, straight route from Mōʻiliʻili to the Frank F. Fasi Municipal Building and return to back to Old Stadium Park.

Registration:  No cost for riders but you must REGISTER.

Post Ride:      Potluck lunch and fellowship.

Not riding?    You are welcome to come down and join us at Honolulu Hale for sign waving and to listen to the speeches (please still register though).

2025 Legislative Session:

  • The 2025 Hawai‘i Legislative Session opened on January 15th. There has been dozens of bills introduced that have significant potential to both improve and weaken the environment for bicycling, walking, and rolling across Hawai‘i.

    To keep you apprised of emerging and fast-moving developments we will be sharing regular updates on our home page and below here:

    • An overview letter written to members of the Hawai‘i Legislature broadly describing HBL’s position
    • bill tracking sheet with information about proposed legislation we are following most closely. 
    • 1/31/25 Update: HBL submitted testimony in support of SB 106 and SB 1117. These Senate bills were advanced, with amendments, including recommendations from HBL. We submitted testimony in opposition to HB 184 and HB 708. Decision-making for these House bills has been deferred until 2/4/25. On 2/3/25, HBL submitted testimony supportive with comments for HB 435 and HB 958 and in opposition to HB 486
  • Please contact Advocacy Director Eduardo Hernandez if you have any questions.

There have been $49 million in federal funds obligated for Hawai‘i bikeway projects over the past 10 years! Here is where it was put to work…

Where we are now:

  • Hawai‘i State Act 47 passed in 2018, “3 Feet Law”, requiring drivers to allow at least three feet of separation between the driver’s vehicle and the bicycle when passing or overtaking the bicyclist.

    “The passage of this bill highlights our commitment to ensuring that cyclists are safe on our roads, and that Hawai‘i becomes a more bicycle friendly community. I am happy to sign this bill and make Hawai‘i the 37th state in the nation to make this commitment,” said Gov. Ige.

  • Hawai‘i State Act 134, Vision Zero passed in 2019, requiring the State’s and all counties’ departments of transportation to adopt a complete streets policy that reasonably accommodates convenient access and mobility for all users of the public highways.


  • Hawai‘i State Act 54, Complete Streets Policy passed in 2009 requiring the State of Hawai‘i Department of Transportation and the county transportation departments to adopt a Complete Streets policy that reasonably accommodates convenient access and mobility for all users of the public highways.

  • The City and County of Honolulu has installed approximately 70 miles of new bikeways in the last 10 years.

With the focus  to create low-stress bikeways for people of all ages and abilities, the O‘ahu Bike Plan (updated 2019) guides future planning to better integrate bicycling into the island’s transportation system.

Bicycle Policies and Programs:

  • ➞ HBL Adult BikeEd program a mix of educational sessions for every skill level, from beginners who want to learn how to balance to veteran cyclists that want to improve their mechanical skills. 
  • ➞ Bicycle Parking Ordinance in 2018 requires all new and modified buildings to include short and long term bicycle parking.
  • ➞ Safe Routes to School program in 2015 which aims to increase the number of students (of all abilities, income levels, and cultures) in kindergarten through eighth grade who regularly choose to walk and bike to/from school by making walking and biking safe and fun through implementation of the five “E’s.” 
  • The City & County of Honolulu received the Bicycle Friendly Community Bronze Level Award in 2014 and 2018 .

Mahalo to our past riders!

Let’s Ride Again – Register to Ride SATURDAY, April 5th