On August 29, 2024, Council Members Tyler Dos Santos-Tam and Augie Tulba introduced model e-bike legislation. It will provide needed clarity and classification for low-speed electric bicycles. Bill 52 passed first reading by the full Council on Wednesday, September 4, 2024. It will tentatively go for a second reading by the Transportation Committee on September 24, 2024.

Bill 52 is modeled on national standards that have been enacted by nearly 40 states across the nation. You can read more about this national landscape by visiting People For Bikes.

To submit your own testimony go here.

Read HBL’s  Bill 52 Testimony Here

Additionally, the Council will hear Resolution 24-199 that urges the Hawai‘i State Legislature to adopt a statewide classification system for e-bikes, address a range of e-bike safety issues and update statewide traffic code for added clarity. In particular, the resolution also calls for addressing safety issues around electric dirt bikes. 

Read HBL’s Resolution 199 Testimony here.