The County of Hawai’i’s County Council is considering a bill that would authorize the Council to ban commercial bicycle tours on select roadways on Hawai’i Island that present safety concerns. 

HBL opposes Bill 125 for multiple reasons. Primarily the lack of data showing a need for this bill, and the precedent it sets to reduce access to people riding bicycles. We are also concerned that this bill originated from a community complaint rather than data-based safety need.

On June 12, 2024, Councilmember Kagiwada proposed a new amendment to change the purpose of the bill. HBL has updated testimony for the Council meeting of June 19 at 9:00am. We are in support of this proposed amendment.

Click here to see our official testimony in opposition. 

The Council’s most recent discussion from May 15th can be found at the link below. Video discussion can be found at the 3 hour, 42 minute mark. Click Here

The latest draft of the bill can be found here. 

A news article from earlier this year citing earlier drafts of the bill can be viewed by clicking here.

If you would like to submit testimony to the County Council, it must be submitted by noon on Tuesday, June 18th to be considered at the June 19th hearing. 

Submit an email to with subject: Testimony in Opposition of Bill 125

Sample Testimony based on suggested testimony from Jon Luft of Hawai’i Cycling Club:

Testimony in opposition to Bill 125
I am OPPOSED to BILL 125 as currently written. I support the appropriate regulation of Commercial Cycling Tours on the Island, but Bill 125 has the potential to negatively impact for vulnerable road users on nearly every road on Hawaii Island in terms of promoting bicycle mobility, and safe, well planned multi-use infrastructure. It does not appear that data has been presented to justify the need for this Bill. The current draft of Bill 125 appeals to vehicular users of some roadways on the Island who may be inconvenienced. But there are many ways to achieve safe cycling and driving conditions that are much more likely to promote equitable use of our roadways than simply closing them down to cyclists, and these should be recognized in the legislation. I ask that Council Members to advocate for amending Bill 125 to actually address safety concerns for all road users, and vote NO on passage if there continues to be unclear and unnecessary banning of bicycles. Please help make our streets safer for all road users, not more convenient for some while banning others. 
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