For HBL Members that are passionate about a specific region or want to bring more to the cycling table.


Maui Bicycling League (MBL)

Started in 2014, Maui Bicycling League grew out of Hawai‘i Bicycling League to have a more concentrated effort in making Maui County a bicycle and pedestrian friendly community.

North Shore

HBL – Dirt

Started in the fall of 2024, HBL Dirt was born to advocate for more sustainable off-road places in Hawaiʻi to share the joy of riding bicycles.

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Hawai‘i Bicycling League was stated in 1975 and has been Hawai‘i’s largest advocacy group for creating safer roads and bringing more equity to cyclists. In 2014, HBL changed it’s Bylaws to offer chapters to help other relatable groups get to work.


How it works

Hawai‘i Bicycling League offers an administrative foundation to enable passionate people to build off our organization to help make Hawai‘i a safer place for all who walk, roll, and drive.